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geometric abstraction造句

"geometric abstraction"是什麼意思  geometric abstractionの例文  


  • Raza abandoned the expressionistic landscape for a geometric abstraction and the'Bindu '.
  • Op art is also closely akin to geometric abstraction and hard-edge painting.
  • Its first show is of geometric abstractions by young and not-so-young artists.
  • His paintings from the 1970s include Geometric abstraction, nudes, and lush Hawaiiam landscapes.
  • Pei introduced geometric abstraction and asymmetry into an illustrational backdrop of classical order.
  • His ultimate pursuit, like Mondrian's, was pure geometric abstraction with no other baggage.
  • Much of her work was based on geometric abstractions of mandalas.
  • Unlike many regionalists, his style was a highly Geometric abstraction.
  • Both geometric abstraction and lyrical abstraction are often totally abstract.
  • His works of geometric abstraction were influenced by Gabo, Ben Nicholson and Barbara Hepworth.
  • It's difficult to see geometric abstraction in a sentence. 用geometric abstraction造句挺難的
  • These motifs and colors have a resonance that goes far beyond mere geometric abstraction.
  • In geometric abstraction, for instance, one is unlikely to find references to naturalistic entities.
  • His initial forays into modern art were painted geometric abstractions.
  • His work is characterized by its colour-happy Geometric abstraction.
  • These sophisticated geometric abstractions reflect a subtle understanding of the interplay between colour and form.
  • George Tsypin's sets are Masonic, geometric abstractions in which characters seem to be chess pieces.
  • In her more recent work, Rojas has moved from figurative paintings into pure geometric abstraction.
  • Or a tidy geometric abstraction that explodes into disarray?
  • Tousignant is considered to be an important contributor to the development of geometric abstraction in Canada.
  • Hartal maintains that throughout Geometric Abstraction are more closely related to the rational realm of creativity.
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3
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